
Explorers: These instruments used in a procedures to preserve the health of the dental pulp and periapical tissues,
and the treatment of the diseased pulp to enable the tooth (or part of the tooth) to be retained in function.
Further, endodontic treatment may be carried out on a healthy pulp where the tooth has to be devitalized as
part of the overall restorative treatment plan.

Excavators: The shank is long to reach canals. To curettage inside of tooth to base of pulp chamber.

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Explorers: These instruments used in a procedures to preserve the health of the dental pulp and periapical tissues,
and the treatment of the diseased pulp to enable the tooth (or part of the tooth) to be retained in function.
Further, endodontic treatment may be carried out on a healthy pulp where the tooth has to be devitalized as
part of the overall restorative treatment plan.

Excavators: The shank is long to reach canals. To curettage inside of tooth to base of pulp chamber.
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